Nov 12, 2021

Whether you have an old, crusty Chevy or a shiny new one, getting regular Chevy service is vital. From replacing faulty engines with genuine parts to ensuring the safety of you and your passengers, there are several benefits of a regular service.

Photo by: Steady Content

5 Benefits of Getting Regular Chevy Service

Maintain Value

Your vehicle loses value the second you drive off with it, so don’t let it lose more by not getting a regular service. Research has dictated that regularly serviced vehicles retain their value for longer, so when it’s time to resell you can get up to $2,000 more than you would have without the regular servicing.

Supply buyers or dealerships with proof of your service history and that extra money is yours when it’s time to sell or trade in.

2. Keep You Safe

Sometimes a vehicle seems fine until suddenly, the power steering or the brakes cut out mid-drive. This puts you and your passengers in danger, and it’s costly to fix once the problem gets worse.

Getting regular service for your Chevy will let Chevy experts detect the issue early on, saving you money and keeping you and your loved ones safe from potential accidents and unnecessary scares.

3. Help Reduce Engine Wear

Your engine doesn’t stay in perfect condition then die all at once. Parts of it die slowly, and it wears out in some areas faster than others. Having a regular service for your Chevy will show experts what needs fixing and what needs replacing so your overall engine wear reduces.

Taking your vehicle to a dealership that sells Chevys is also something to consider. The dealership will most likely have access to genuine Chevy parts, that a regular generic technician or a non-Chevy-selling dealership wouldn’t have.

4. Help Reduce Pollution

Your vehicle will always create some level of pollution, but without service, it can get worse. If your Chevy isn’t serviced regularly and properly by a licensed technician or dealer there are consequences. The gases get worse and are emitted in larger quantities as your car’s parts struggle to power the ailing vehicle. An expert service will fix these issues, stop the emissions, and keep our atmosphere greener.

Another benefit of regular services is increasing fuel efficiency which further helps the environment as you use less fossil fuel.

5. Create Peace of Mind

You don’t want to worry that something big is always looming around the corner for your Chevy. Instead of hearing a funny noise and thinking “oh, I hope that’s a pebble in the exhaust and not an engine disaster,” you want to know it’s a pebble because you had a service last week.

Once you know there’s no big mishap lurking at the end of your driveway you can drive with more peace of mind surrounding yourself, your passengers, and your vehicle.

Now that you understand the importance of getting a regular service for your Chevy, come and visit Hansen Motor Co for services, parts, and more for your Chevy. Contact our service team on 435-723-2912 to discuss your needs today.