Dec 5, 2022

Many drivers are scared at the thought of engine problems. They imagine a large repair bill and days or weeks without their car. Fortunately, this situation is rarely the case. Most problems in your engine can be quickly and affordably solved if they’re detected early. As your GMC dealer in Brigham City, UT, we can repair any problem for you. These are a few signs you’ll need to visit our service department.

engine repair in brigham city utah
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Dead Battery

Every driver knows that their car battery will die sometime. A battery has a lifespan of three to five years. This short period is due to the chemicals inside the battery. Your battery contains several different chemicals, including sulfuric acid, and their reactions enable the battery to store and supply electricity on demand.

The chemical reactions also cause your battery to fail as it gradually breaks down. The battery will gradually take longer to recharge, and its charging capacity will also drop. We advise having a battery test with us after three years and then at yearly intervals. This will ensure that your battery is maintained in good condition. We can speedily replace your battery with a new one while you wait.


Misfiring occurs when the fuel-air mix in an engine cylinder isn’t correctly ignited, and combustion fails in that cylinder. Combustion requires fuel and air to mix in the intake manifold. Once these elements are correctly mixed, the fuel-air mixture is drawn into the cylinders. The mixture will be compressed in the cylinder and then ignited by the cylinder’s spark plug.

When a misfire occurs, this doesn’t happen. The plug either doesn’t ignite the cylinder’s contents, or the cylinder ignites at the wrong time. Hot fuel from the affected cylinder is dumped into the exhaust system. You can sometimes also hear a backfire as some unburnt fuel touches the hot tailpipe on the way out. Misfiring can occur due to damaged plugs, insufficient electricity to power the spark plug or several other causes. Our technicians will examine your engine and fix this problem.

Leaking Coolant

Your engine temperature needs to be controlled to prevent it from overheating. Coolant has the vital job of absorbing excess engine heat and carrying it to the radiator where the heat is exchanged. Coolant circulates through your engine at high speed as soon as your engine temperature reaches a preset point. It will continue to do so until the engine temperature drops below this level.

Coolant can leak from a variety of places, including damaged hoses, a cracked radiator, or a worn radiator cap seal. We’ll examine your cooling system and find and repair the cause of the problem.

If you experience any engine trouble, call us right away at Hansen Motor Co.